Agatha Christie - the queen of detective stories.

Have you read the book " And Then There were None" (1945) which was written by Agatha Christie who was one of the most famous female writers in England. She left a lot of detective stories when she was alived. To be honest, I was crazy about reading crime and detective stories especially books which were written by her. If I read her book I 'll hold it until I finish. Sometimes, I skip meals.
I imagined if I became a detective. but soon, I realized there wasn't such a job in Korea. I admire her stories. This is the story about the book. There are eight people invited to one unknown Island. When they arrived the Island, there were two servants waiting them. The beautiful island makes them easy and comfortable for a moment. However, actually, the eight people don't know each other who they are from, what they did before coming to the island. Even people in the island don't know exactly how they were invited the island. but as one person who belongs to the guests disappeared and found out dead body later, people start suspending each other. Who killed the man? Again, the second man disappeared..
Whenever people died in the island, the little indian dolls also disappeared. It makes people are more scared because as soon as they found the little Indian doll disappeared , they realized someone must be dead....................
When you find the answer who was the killer in last page, I am sure you will shock !!