Do you know Camille Claudel?

Camille Claudel(1864-1943)
Today, she is not well known as a sculptor. Even though her talent, she is only remembered as an Rodin's lover and pupil. I think she was one of the tragic women in history. Camille born into a modest family and her brother was the famous writer Paul Claudel(1868-1955). In her early age, she decided to become a sculptor and took up residence in Paris in 1881. Young Camille was described as a most beautiful creature and talented woman.
She met Rodin in 1883 and entered his studio the following year. Rodin's talented pupil very soon became his mistress. Then, the two artists had mutual influce on one another. Roden also respects her talent and beauty. The both young artists fell in love and she thought she could be a his wife. Although Roding did not finish his merriage, he did not break up the relationship with Camille either. Anyway, the two artists' relationship was ended in 1898. She never recovered the separation. Many people still remember the name of Roding as a famous sculptor. But as the way of his art was similar to Camille's, she was convinced immitation of Roding's. From 1906 the madnes became more pronounced and destructive.
After all, she had to spend her most life in mental hospital even though she recovered her mental illness after several years later. Her mother even did not want to see Camille and ignored her daughter camille's appeal.
When she was died in 1943 in the mental hospital, she left message the most terrible mistake she had ever was meeting Rodin and being a daughter of her mother. Strangeily, Camille's mother was recorded she did not like her daughter " Camille" from she was born. So, Camille's father had to protected from her mother's opperision and he noticed his daughter's talent in her young age.
I read a book about Camille and there was a picture of old Camille when she was in mental hospital. It was so sad and tragic picture. In her eyes, I saw the sorrow and despair.
Two years ago, when I was in paris in 2004 for trip I also visited Roden's big house which was rewarded from France. I imagined Roden spent good time in such a nice and big house with great garden when Camille was in hospital. Life was not fair game... Two genius can not exist in same time.. It made me feel somehow gloomy.